News Article

Establishing the Research Agenda for 21st Century Learning

Friday, September 1, 2006

What skills and attributes will allow young people to succeed in the new global economy? This volume of Jossey-Bass's New Directions for Youth Development addresses the question by examining the topic of twenty-first century learning.

Twenty-first century learning frames an increasingly relevant and vital national conversation about what young people need in order to achieve: critical thinking, problem-solving, innovation, and communication skills.

The chapters in this volume provide a broad scope of perspectives - from business leaders, educators, researchers, youth workers, and students - on the need, opportunity, application, and outcomes of twenty-first century learning. The twenty-first century calls us to reimagine the learning day-building partnerships that engage schools, after-school programs, businesses, and community-based organizations - and to embrace both traditional academic basics as well as small-group and project-based learning. This volume provides the most comprehensive review to date of this important topic.

CCT Director Margaret Honey and Partnership for 21st Century Skills President Ken Kay co-authored a chapter in this volume that defines the the rationale and outlines a national research agenda for further investigating 21st century skills learning.

This is the 110th issue of New Directions for Youth Development, a quarterly journal published by Jossey-Bass.

More information about the volume
