News Article
Friday, September 2, 2011
Dr. Daniel Light and researcher Elizabeth Pierson traveled to Argentina to attend the conference Las provincias y las TIC: experiencias y debates de politica educativa at the National Library in Buenos Aires on August 18. Light spoke at the panel "La evaluacion de las politicas" on the 19th, and was interviewed by ULPDigital, the website of Universidad de la Punta.
The following week, Dr. Light greeted the publication of the new book, Las tic en las aulas. Experiencias latinoamericanas (Buenos Aires: Editorial Paidos), of which he is a co-author. "The book is a collaborative effort of all five authors," Light says. "It is based on our experiences in Latin America classrooms from at least three different research projects we did together, spanning the countries of Argentina, Chile, Brazil, Paraguay, Colombia, Mexico, and Costa Rica over the last few years." Light was a co-PI on two of the projects and a senior advisor on the third.
Read the ULPDigital article (available in 11 languages).