News Article
Thursday, June 1, 2006
This report summarizes a workshop held at the National Academies in October 2005 to explore how high schools should respond to calls for increasing fluency with information and communications technology (ICT) among American adolescents. The workshop was designed to extend the principles advanced in the report Being Fluent with Information Technology (National Research Council, 1999), which identified key components of ICT fluency and discussed their implications for college education. This followup National Research Council workshop focused specifically on ICT learning during high school. The workshop addressed updating the ICT-fluency framework proposed in the initial 1999 study, examined promising practices for introducing ICT competencies in high school, and identified research needed to further ICT fluency in high school. CCT Director Margaret Honey, who chaired the workshop committee, contributed to the overall report as well as authored the Background chapter at the beginning of this book.
National Research Council. (2006). ICT Fluency and High Schools: A Workshop Summary. S. Marcus, Rapporteur. Planning Committee on High School ICT Fluency and Graduation Outcomes. Board on Science Education, Center for Education. Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education. Washington, D.C. The National Academies Press.