News Article

ISTE, BSCS, and CCT All Over

Friday, June 23, 2017

CCT researchers will be presenting our work at three conferences during the last week of June. 

First up is the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) annual conference, being held this year in San Antonio, Texas. On Tuesday, June 27, Dr. James Diamond and Heather Kim will present "Helping Teachers Use Gameplay Data for Formative Assessment and Differentiation," a research paper by the Playing with Data project research team. The paper presents findings from a pilot study with six middle-school sicence teachers who used a video game about argumentation in class for one or two weeks. The discussion will focus on how teachers interpreted gameplay data to make inferences about student learning and to make changes in their instruction.

From June 28–30, Dr. Babette Moeller will participate in the Biological Sciences Curriculum Study Institute for Video-Based Analysis into Practice (aka BSCS Vista Plus) in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

And on June 28, Naomi Hupert will join a panel at the 16th Interaction Design and Children Conference, at Stanford University, to discuss "Media Designers Meet Learning Science Researchers." The goal is to present the ways in which educational technology media designers and learning science researchers think about the design of learning resources. There will be a focus on how these two perspectives differ, and how both perspectives can be brought together to create more engaging, more effective learngin media resources.
