Noah Goodman


Noah Goodman brings expertise in design-based research and evaluation practices, as well as qualitative methods, to support the development of educational programs, tools, and materials. His work has focused on inquiry and argumentation—particularly in social studies and the humanities—as well as the interplay between formative assessment practices, data dashboards, and educative curricular materials.

In his role as the research partner for the Library of Congresses’ Teaching Primary Sources Consortium, Noah has developed research briefs, consulted on instruments, and supported the consortium to make the historical documents in the Library’s collection accessible and useful to the nation’s classrooms. Noah’s research informed the development of teacher support materials and the data dashboard of Zoom In to U.S. History, an online platform designed to support teachers and students to find success in conducting historical inquiries. His formative research also has supported the development of the suite of Mission U.S. interactive history-based games, and he was an evaluator for a series of Teaching American History professional development projects.

On the three-year NSF-funded project Playing With Data, Noah led the design of an educative dashboard—a data dashboard with embedded teacher materials—to support middle-grades science teachers in developing data literacy and interpreting and using game-based formative assessment data to enhance students’ argumentation skills. Noah’s qualitative analysis of the project’s data led to a set of design principles for gameplay dashboards.

Noah also is directing research and evaluation on Cyberchase Mobile Adventures in STEM with WNET, where his work is supporting the development of an informal family learning program that sends weekly media and learning activities to parents’ phones. This project builds on his previous experience in numerous informal science projects, including TwISLE, where he developed a codebook to analyze informal science interactions on Twitter, and the Year of the Solar System, a NASA funded evaluation of digital resources for teachers.

Noah has co-authored numerous articles and presentations including “Building a better dashboard: Evidence-based design principles for an educative dashboard for learning games,” “Getting adolescents to argue (in the history classroom),” and “Coding Twitter: Lessons from a content analysis of informal science.”

Prior to joining CCT, Noah taught bilingual 4th- and 5th-grade classes in New York City, and worked and taught with several after school and educational programs. Noah edits the column Methods News and Notes for AERA’s Qualitative Research SIG newsletter, is on the review board for the Library of Congress’s Teaching Primary Sources journal, and runs the adult learning website TV411.ORG. Noah holds an MS in childhood bilingual education from Hunter College, and a BA in international studies from the University of California, San Diego