
Connecting With the Arts: A Video and Web Teaching Resource
2003 to 2004

As part of the Arts Integration in Middle Schools project, CCT designed and produced the web and print materials associated with Connecting With the Arts: A Workshop for Middle Grades Teachers, a video workshop for middle school teachers that supports the integration of the arts and other subjects. The workshop includes eight hour-long video programs and a companion workshop guide and Web site. The workshop shows middle school teachers why and how to integrate the arts (dance, music, theatre, and visual art) with other subjects (language arts, social studies, science, and math).

Funded by Annenberg/CPB and produced by the Lavine Production Group, the Southeastern Center for Education and the Arts and CCT, the project's multimedia resources consist of a video-based workshop, a video library, associated websites and print documents that highlight the work of exemplary teachers from across the country who are helping students learn language arts, social studies, math and science in tandem with music, dance, drama and visual arts.

In addition to developing web and print materials associated with the workshop, CCT also conducted formative research on the materials, in keeping with CCT's long history of testing materials in development.

Project Website: Connecting With the Arts


Chad Fasca
Julia Hermos
John Parris