
Fable Writer Phase 2 Final Report

July 8, 2016

The Fable Writer project’s theory of action posits that by working on a shared problem, such as producing an essay to persuade an audience, students will have more opportunities to engage in mutual decision-making about how to produce strong writing that uses document-based evidence effectively. Thus, students will have opportunities to engage in content-specific writing tasks that draw on their work with nonfiction texts; build on the writing and communication skills that are central to both Common Core English Language Arts (ELA) and content area standards and to the communication and collaboration skills called out in the Framework for 21st Century Learning; and draw on the benefits that collaboration can bring to the writing experience, as noted in Graham and Perin’s (2007) review of effective strategies to improve writing.


Jim Diamond
Pilar Carmina Gonzalez
Loulou Bangura Momoh
Jaime Gutierrez