
Strategies and Tips for Training E-Mentors

November 1, 2002

This new section on IBM's Mentorplace website contains information and assistance for e-mentors to help them strengthen their approaches to developing positive e-mentoring relationships with young people. While the resources in this section specifically address the needs of IBM e-mentors, it also has application others participating in e-mentoring programs.

The Mentorplace training module includes a number of sections, such as Fostering Mentoring Relationships, which provide an array of tips, activities, strategies, and sample conversations to give mentors guidance in supporting online conversation, understanding mentoring roles, and facilitating Mentorplace activities. This section also provides insights into children and schools and places to go for additional resources.

Also included in the module are overviews on mentoring, a slide show, and a topic index for streamlined navigation.

Note: IBM designed


Cornelia Brunner
Terri Meade
Lauren Goldenberg
Cricket Heinze
Dorothy Bennett