
A Response to Instructional and Assessment Demands of Middle School Science Education: The Jason Multimedia Science Project

June 1, 2003

Teachers are expected to create challenging science learning environments for all students with new media while attending to standards measured by standardized tests. A response to this is the use of interdisciplinary, multimedia science curricula such as the JASON Project. An evaluation study was conducted by EDC's Center for Children and Technology on the JASON Multimedia Science Curriculum using a mixed-methods design, including surveys and focus group interviews, to answer the questions: Who are the teachers who use JASON curriculum? With which students do they use JASON? How do teachers assess this interdisciplinary multimedia science curriculum? The findings showed that the curriculum served a variety of student populations, including, in addition to mainstream middle school students, students labeled gifted and talented, at-risk, and special needs, and that respondents frequently used the curriculum and the variety multimedia components available in their classrooms. [Abstract from the paper]


Harouna Ba
Lauren Goldenberg