
Carnegie Hall Music Education Research
2002 to 2003

As Carnegie Hall expanded its educational music programs to reach a national audience and prepared for the use of Zankel Hall, the use of technology to support professional development, student-musician interaction and relationships with remote schools became increasingly important.

CCT conducted formative research to help Carnegie Hall understand:

  1. How its teacher training program serves the needs of teachers who are either participating in its programs on site or via video conferencing?
  2. How video conferencing can support student-musician interaction in remote sites and how the perceptions of teachers, students, and artists affect student learning and the delivery of the curriculum?
  3. What kinds of components make for a successful music program when they involve remote schools using existing online materials like those found in Listening Adventure?

CCT also developed a set of diagnostic assessment activities for the Link Up! program, Carnegie Hall's classical music education curriculum for fourth- through six-grade students.


Terry Baker (PI)
Terri Meade
John Parris