EDC is serving as the external evaluator for Georgia Southern University’s Project GAME. Funded through the National Science Foundation’s CSForAll program, Project GAME is a small Researcher-Practitioner Partnership (RPP) project that addresses the PreK-8 strand. The goals of this project are, first, to offer professional development to teachers, and secondly, working with these teachers, to collaboratively create a middle-school computer science curriculum based on digital game design through an industry-standard software: Unity 3D. Research will be conducted to evaluate the design, development, and implementation of both the professional development and the CS curriculum in the middle school classrooms. EDC’s project evaluation will be ongoing and will serve two major purposes: (a) to provide oversight and guidance to help ensure that the research designs and activities employed by this project are rigorous and that the research findings are valid and reliable; and (b) to assess the quality and success of the RPP.