
Ready To Learn: Expanded Learning Through Transmedia Content Study
2010 to 2015

The Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB) and the Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) have jointly developed a compelling new vision for Ready To Learn: the delivery of next-generation educational, integrated transmedia content in literacy and numeracy, aligned with rigorous academic frameworks and research. This project will develop transmedia learning resources, including video, interactive online games (3D collaborative challenges and immersive games), mobile apps (augmented reality games), and interactive whiteboard applications, and will create sophisticated tools to facilitate effective use of the resources. The resources will be aligned with rigorous academic frameworks and national and state standards.

CCT's research will guide an iterative development process and assess project impact. The overarching goal of this project is to improve math and literacy achievement among young children in high-need communities by: (1) delivering engaging, curriculum-based transmedia content in math and literacy; (2) conducting rigorous research on the efficacy of the content; and (3) ensuring broad distribution and use of content on multiple platforms through strategic national and local partnerships.

In the first two years of the initiative, we conducted four context studies, including a survey of preschool and afterschool programs in target communities, and an observational study of program quality. We also analyzed the implementation and usability of the PBS Digital Learning Library by preschool teachers and afterschool educators in the target communities. Based on this work, we developed the evaluation plan that we are now implementing as we move forward with this next phase of the Ready To Learn project.


Lauren Bates
Yelee Jo
Terri Meade
Andrea Rizzo
Deborah Rosenfeld