
New Strategies for Assessing Digital Literacy: Connecting Research and Policy - NECC 2003 Spotlight Session

June 1, 2003

A range of business, government, and research organizations are calling for students to master "digital literacy," a critical approach to technology use that moves beyond the mastery of technical skills and includes knowing how to:

  • Analyze new media messages critically,
  • Create media products that present information accurately and persuasively, and
  • Take full advantage of technology's capacity to support effective communication.

It is increasingly necessary for students to attain these skills if they are to become successful members of society and thoughtful citizens.

Comprehensive articulations of the range of conceptual and technical skills that constitute digital literacy are just beginning to emerge. Such a framework is needed to guide the teaching, learning, and assessment of digital literacy skills.

Structure of the symposium
Participants in this NECC 2003 symposium have each created tools to help teachers, schools, districts and states foster teaching, learning, and assessment of digital literacy skills. The session will begin with very brief overviews of the work each participant is pursuing in this area, followed by a lengthy discussion of the opportunities for, and challenges to, introducing these tools and strategies into state and federal efforts to assess students' digital literacy.

For complete details about the Digital Literacy Spotlight Session, please read the session proposal PDF.


Joyce Malyn-Smith
Cornelia Brunner
Margaret Honey
Diny Golder-Dardis
Cheryl Lemke