
Parallel Skills: Written and Digital Communication

November 1, 2002

Skill Area Written Digital
Technical skills:
Having the technical facility to make "readable" products.
Penmanship, punctuation, vocabulary, syntax, basic grammar. Opening and saving files, inserting text, images or sound, formatting and editing documents, navigating software.
Compositional skills:
Being able to send clear messages that communicate content.
Complex sentence structure, paragraph structure (topic sentence), outlining, descriptive language. "Media & Meaning"
Using all media elements - visuals, sounds, text, layout, animation, etc. - so that each contains and conveys information.
Style and Rhetoric:
Being able to construct a persuasive argument that is tailored to a particular audience.
Essay writing, persuasive writing, creative writing, analytical writing, report writing, use of different styles (journalistic, satirical, etc.), rhetorical devices. "Point of View" & "Audience"
Using all media elements - visuals, sounds, text, layout, animation, etc. - so that each supports and strengthens an argument. Using media elements to build a tone or authorial voice. Making multimedia products that anticipate and respond to the questions and biases of a particular audience.


Cornelia Brunner