
National Education Technology Plan: US Department of Education White Paper
2003 to 2004

CCT prepared a white paper for the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Educational Technology. The white paper was developed to inform the development of the Secretary of Education's National Education Technology Plan, a long-range national strategy for using technology to improve student academic achievement-either directly or through integration with other approaches to systemic reform. The Plan, which is authorized by the No Child Left Behind Act under the Enhancing Education Through Technology program, will identify major policy issues, barriers, and opportunities for technology to transform America's education system. A key principle guiding this effort is to build on what has been accomplished through previous efforts. To that end, our white paper summarized key educational technology policy reports of the past, identified common themes and recommendations, highlighted major accomplishments, and offered up high-leverage recommendations for the future.


Ellen Mandinach (PI)
Louisa Anderson
Katherine Culp
Margaret Honey