
Intel® Teach: Thinking with Technology Workshops Evaluation
2004 to 2006

CCT conducted a formative evaluation exploring the effectiveness of the Intel Innovation in Education initiative's teacher training programs in supporting and guiding teachers' use of Innovation in Education tools and resources. As part of the evaluation, CCT undertook formative studies that examined the Intel Innovation in Education Institutes, the initiative's primary professional development program, and the Intel Teach to the Future Seminar on Seeing Reason, the initiative's follow-up training program, using surveys, site visits, observations and interviews to document the programs' delivery, impact on teachers, and impact on teachers' classrooms. The research was designed to help Intel ensure that teachers receive both access to high-quality tools and resources (such as software and curricular materials) that can be used to support teaching and learning for multiple age groups and across various disciplines and appropriate training in making meaningful use of these tools and resources with their students.


Daniel Light (PI)
Katherine Culp
Lauren Goldenberg
Deborah Keisch
Terri Meade
Scott Strother
Dara Wexler