
Cisco 21S Initiative Evaluation
2006 to 2011

Cisco is infusing technology into the educational plans, curricula, and school infrastructure of Mississippi's and Louisiana's most challenged schools with the aim of improving teaching practice and student skills to better meet the demands of the 21st century. As the program's evaluation partner, CCT is constructing a research plan and associated logic models that operationalize project goals, identify short- and long-term indicators, and prepare for the collection of both rigorous outcome data and formative feedback to help improve implementation within individual schools, school communities, and Cisco 21S team. CCT's research plan is responsive both to the goals and needs of individual schools, school communities, and Cisco 21S team as well as to the demand for long-term indicators and the collection rigorous evaluation outcome data for the initiative.


Harouna Ba (PI)
Alison Boyd
Terri Meade
Elizabeth Pierson
Tara Weatherholt