
Setting the Stage for Reflective Practice: Multimedia Case Study Development

March 1, 2005

A multidisciplinary team of college faculty and professional educators are collaborating on a four-year National Science Foundation project to develop multimedia case studies to help teachers address the needs of all students, including students with disabilities, within a standards-based mathematics curriculum.

Now in the second year of the project, Mathematics for All collaborators are finalizing five video case studies. This qualitative study of the project, based on observations, interviews, surveys, meeting notes and reflections from the college faculty, reveal that the process of working together to create the multimedia case studies has influenced college faculty thinking in at least three important ways:

  1. Media are newly seen as an artifact of learning in higher education classrooms
  2. Faculty members are connected in new ways to the learning process in elementary classrooms
  3. The collaboration has created new content and pedagogical content knowledge for special education and mathematics educators.


Kathy Powell
Barbara Dubitsky
Ellen Meier