
Ready To Learn

In 1994, Congress allocated significant resources to support the development of the Ready To Learn initiative, in the belief that publicly funded media can support young children's learning. The mandate was to create high-quality, noncommercial programming to serve children and their families. Ready To Learn not only maintains that media, with the support of outreach efforts, can improve young children's school readiness by arming them with literacy and mathematics skills, it also places considerable emphasis on evidence of the initiative's effectiveness. As the Corporation for Public Broadcasting's summative evaluation partner from 2006 to 2015, Education Development Center, Inc., in collaboration with SRI International, has undertaken research to determine the effectiveness of Ready To Learn resources.


Education Development Center, Inc. is a global nonprofit organization that creates learning opportunities for people around the world, empowering them to pursue healthier, more productive lives. EDC manages 350 projects in 30 countries. For more than 30 years, EDC's Center for Children and Technology has investigated the roles technology can play to improve teaching and learning. Its work covers a broad range of activities, including research, evaluation, policy and consulting, and design and development of digital learning resources.


SRI International is an independent, nonprofit research institute conducting client-sponsored research and development for government agencies, commercial businesses, foundations, and other organizations. SRI's Center for Technology in Learning (CTL) evaluates large-scale technology innovations, designs assessments that enhance teaching and learning, develops tools to help students master complex ideas, builds online communities of learners, and offers strategic learning consulting services.

Pricipal Investigators

Shelley Pasnik (bio)

Megan Silander

Erika Gaylior

Support Provided By

Corporation for Public Broadcasting      US Department of Education      PBS Kids Raising Readers