
Union City: Project Bulldog
2000 to 2002

Building on previous CCT collaborations with the Union City Board of Education, we examined how a school with mature technology maintains currency despite constant technology change and staff turnover.

Capitalizing on the success of a previous technology integration initiative called Project Explore, Emerson High School (EHS) infused a wide range of innovative technology-supported reform practices into its learning environment. EHS now confronts two challenges as a school using mature technology: first, the constant advance of technology requires teachers to periodically rethink and experiment with new tools and applications; second, new teachers must become familiar with technology used throughout the EHS curricula.

Project Bulldog sought to help the school continue advancing in the effective use of technology as a learning tool. For the project, the Union City Board of Education committed funding to provide network-enabled desktop computers to more than 60 students each year for three years.

CCT conducted a two-year evaluation of the impact of the innovative program. Paired with our research on Project Hiller (a laptop project in Union City's other high school), CCT will reflect on the comparative advantages between a desktop program, like the one in this high school, and a laptop program.


Margaret Honey (PI)
Maria Janelli
Daniel Light
Helga Perez