
WGBH Teachers’ Domain: Engaging Alaska Natives with the Geosciences
2007 to 2009

The new Teachers' Domain - Engaging Alaska Natives with the Geosciences collection aims to increase Alaska Natives' exposure to and involvement with geoscience-related issues that are directly relevant to their lives. The Teachers' Domain special collection, funded by the National Science Foundation's Opportunities for Enhancing Diversity in the Geosciences (OEDG) program, seeks to provide an integrated set of multi-media products that will inform, inspire, and engage high school students and teachers, sparking interest in pursuing academic degrees and possible careers in the atmospheric, earth, and ocean sciences.

To understand how well these goals are achieved, CCT will conduct the evaluation of the collection utilizing a mixed-method approach to examine the ways in which teachers are accessing and using the rich media materials and the impact on both native and non-native Alaskan high school students.

The evaluation will seek to identify the extent to which the new rich-media resources in the Engaging Alaska Natives collection support teachers' content knowledge, ability to present content through native knowledge perspectives, and promotes career opportunities for Alaskan Native students in the geosciences.