
Liberty Science Center Technology Innovation Challenge Grant Evaluation
2001 to 2002

The Liberty Science Center (LSC) has received a Technology Innovation Challenge Grant (TICG) for the 2001-02 academic year from the U.S. Department of Education. To help the LSC use this grant money effectively to meet its technical and educational goals, CCT conducted a year-long evaluation to examine 1) how the Center currently used technology to provide science education experiences to students across the state of New Jersey and 2) how the Center could design future programs that would exploit the latest educational technologies and reach more schools and individual learners.

The Liberty Science Center TICG Evaluation focused on three areas of investigation:

  1. Online survey. CCT will first conduct a series of focus groups with teachers whose schools have taken part in LSC educational programs. Based on this information, CCT staff developed an online survey designed to gather information about the LSC's current educational technology offerings.
  2. Case Studies. CCT staff conducted case studies of two schools that have used the LSC's E-Connections videoconferences. The findings from these case studies were meant to help the LSC reassess how its existing program is organized and supported, and suggest ideas for designing new programs.
  3. Review of Innovative Programs. CCT staff reviewed innovative educational programs currently available at science centers and museums across the country. The review focused on projects that, in general, were in line with the LSC goals, but also highlighted some projects that could help the LSC think of new ways to conceptualize educational outreach.


Cricket Heinze