In addition to conveying the findings of our Ready To Learn studies in reports and in papers presented at conferences, we have written about this work in articles for peer-reviewed research journals and on blogs for nationally recognized early childhood and educational media organizations.
Using Digital Media to Support Early Learning. Article by Joy Kennedy and Naomi Hupert.
Comparing Parent Report and Telemetry Measures of Child Media Use. Conference paper by Claire Christensen, Megan Siilander, Todd Grindal, Alexandra Adair, Elisa Garcia, Phil Vahey, Naomi Hupert.
Have it Both Ways: Using Children’s Science Apps to Support Hands-on and Digital Learning. Blog post by Cindy Hoisington and Claire Christensen.
Digital Media Can Help Preschoolers Learn Real-World Science Skills. Blog post by Claire Christensen, Lucy Nelson, and Megan Silander.
How Can You Assess the Science Your Children Are Doing and Learning? Blog post by Cindy Hoisington, Regan Vidiksis, and Sarah Nixon Gerard.
STEM in PreK: Using Cat in the Hat Media Resources. Blog post by Tiffany Maxon and Elisa Garcia.
Can Screen Time Help Kids Learn STEM? Study of 454 Young Children & Digital Media Says Yes. Here Are 4 Takeaways. Blog post by Shelley Pasnik.
What the Tech: Can Tech Help Kids Make Sense of their World? Blog post by Naomi Hupert and Megan Silander.
A curriculum supplement that integrates transmedia to promote early math learning: A randomized controlled trial of a PBS KIDS intervention. Article by Deborah Rosenfeld, Ximena Dominguez, Carlin Llorente, Shelley Pasnik, Savitha Moorthy, Naomi Hupert, Sarah Gerard, and Regan Vidiksis.
Supporting Parents to Support Science. Article by Breniel Lemley, Claire Christensen, and Cindy Hoisington.
Children are Naturally Curious About Science. Why Don't We Nurture That? Commentary by Naomi Hupert.
Why Does the Rain Fall Down Instead of Up? How parents support science learning, and how media can help. Blog post by Claire Christensen, Megan Silander, Tiffany Maxon, and Jaime Gutierrez.
Promoting Children's Science Learning One Step at a Time. Blog post by Alexandra Adair and Cindy Hoisington.
What Parents Talk About When They Talk About Learning: A national survey about young children and science. Blog post by Cindy Hoisington.
This article reports on a study investigating whether a curriculum supplement organized as a sequence of teacher-led literacy activities using digital content from public educational television programs can improve early literacy outcomes of preschoolers. Positive outcomes were found on children's ability to recognize letters, sounds of letters and initial sounds of words, and on children's concepts of story and print.
This paper reports on a study that explored the impact of a curriculum integrating hands-on activities with digital content from two public television shows aimed at introducing preschoolers to science. Results indicated that the science curriculum had a positive impact on caregivers’ reports of children's talk about science, and suggests the potential for this and other media-rich curricula to introduce preschoolers to science.
This is an overview of the literacy randomized controlled trial written about in the ECRQ paper, above, and gives the approval of the Institute of Education Sciences’ What Works Clearinghouse.