
Intel Teach to the Future: An International Perspective on a Technology Professional Development Program

April 1, 2005

Since March 2003, [the evaluation coordination team] has helped guide and coordinate evaluations being conducted in thirty countries taking part in the Intel Teach to the Future program, an intensive, technology professional development experience. The goals for this international evaluation project are to:

  • Support the individual programs in establishing evaluations of Intel Teach to the Future in their countries

  • Collect standardized survey data across countries

  • Synthesize data across countries so that the international program staff can better understand how the program is working around the world.

This paper presents data and observations from evaluations of Intel Teach to the Future being conducted around the world, and recommendations for building and refining this evaluation portfolio to ensure that findings will be instructive at the local, national and international level. This paper provides summative and formative information for researchers, evaluators and program developers interested in developing or extending their evaluations.

The evaluation coordination team identified themes across countries using a framework that outlines four factors that either facilitate or impede technology integration: infrastructure, professional development, administrative support and time. This team also identified some key evaluation themes and issues that have emerged in multiple countries. In each category the team makes programmatic and evaluation recommendations for addressing these themes.


Ellen Mandinach
Christopher Dial
Daniel Light