CCT senior research associate Deb Rosenfeld shares tips on evaluating digital tech for preschoolers in her latest article on Edutopia.
Why and when to use educational technology are more important than what edtech to use, says CCT researcher Deb Rosenfeld in a new post on Edutopia.
Shelley Pasnik discusses our research on media and literacy learning in a new artcle from Education Week.
We have received NSF funding to conduct a long-term pilot of our CT Integration Framework.
Joy Lorenzo Kennedy and colleagues have published a new article on digital media and informational text literacy in AERJ.
Megan Silander is a co-author of a new article in the British Journal of Educational Technology.
Two CCT projects have received top awards in the annual NSF STEM for All Video Showcase.
CCT researchers contributed a chapter on public media and early learning in a new book from IGI Global.
When Duolingo created a children's literacy app, they reached out to CCT for research to evaluate it.
Digital resources that support exploration can allow children to learn as they play, writes CCT's Deb Rosenfeld in Edutopia.
CCT researchers are presenting innovative work to enhance the equity and quality of STEM learning in this year's NSF video showcase.
In a new video, CCT researcher Alexia Raynal describes using WhatsApp to deliver an early learning intervention.
CCT researchers will participate in 11 different presentations at this year's annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association.
"Mitigating Bias in Mathematics Insruction" is the latest post on the Math for All blog.
"Kids Getting Older Younger" is the title of a new BBC article that quotes CCT's Shelley Pasnik.
CCT researchers Alexia Raynal and Daniel Light have published a new paper on their study of remote learning during the pandemic.
That is not the question. CCT's Bill Tally clarifies this false dichotomy and tells us what kids really need for their post-pandemic education, in The Atlantic.
CCT researchers Regan Vidiksis and Ashley Lewis Presser describe using digital tools for young children's science learning in a post on the NAEYC blog.